Smart Tube, Inc.
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PROT1 and blood should be at room temperature.
Data loggers and other helpful tools
Are any Smart Tube products considered medical devices?
Do you have a distributor in country X?
How to gate out granulocytes
Labeling Smart Tubes
Where can I get Dry Ice to ship samples banked in PROT1?
Are there different sizes of Proteomic Stabilizer PROT1 ? Is the Thaw-Lyse Buffer included ?
Use of anticoagulants other than Sodium Heparin
Looking for General Information about Smart Tube Products
Protocol for banking PBMC samples at -80C
Can samples of MTS1P be frozen/thawed more than 1x?
Purple Trays
How to Prevent Loosening of Caps During Shipping
The body of the Smart Tube appears to be made of plastic. What plastic?
We are only interested in doing FACS, no Proteomics analyses. Would the Stable Lyse V2 and Stable Store V2 System suffice for FACS? Or Do we need the Proteomics buffer as well for doing FACS?
How do we purchase Smart Tube Processing Inserts?
Use of cleaved PARP to identify dying cells
What containers are compatible with Smart Tube buffers?
What permeabilization buffers work with Smart Tube reagents?
Do we have to use dry ice to ship samples banked in Smart Tubes?
Can RNA or DNA be recovered from cells banked in Smart Tubes or the Proteomic Stabilizer PROT1?
Can I use Smart Tubes for RNA recovery?
Can Smart Tubes be used to bank bone marrow?
Looking for more information on Cell Suspensions
Looking for more information re analyzing samples (Post Banking)
How do we bank samples for later analysis by mass cytometry (CyTOF)?
Has anyone been able to perform RNA sequencing (either bulk or single cell) or ATAC sequencing (bulk or single cell) on human PBMCs stored in proteomic stabilizer reagent?
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