Both of our reagent systems work great for banking PBMC samples at -80C:
A. The Proteomic Stabilizer PROT1
Protocol to bank samples:
Protocol to thaw samples:
B. The Stable-Lyse, Stable-Store reagent system
Brief protocol notes for PBMC:
Resuspend your PBMC in PBS (or in calcium and magnesium free PBMC) at a cell density less than 10 million per milliliter.
Follow the standard protocol for the reagent system you wish to use (ie. if using Proteomic Stabilizer PROT1 the first step is to add 1.4 milliliters of PROT1 per 1.0 milliliters of of the PBMC sample and then incubate at room temperature for 10 minutes prior to transferring the sample to -80C.
When it is time to thaw your samples, follow the standard protocol for thawing out the samples with one exception: since there are no erythrocytes in the sample the Thaw-Lyse buffer does not need to be used and instead you can perform three (3) washes with staining buffer (ie. PBS + 0.5% BSA) instead of performing the incubations with the Thaw-Lyse buffer.